Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Mayans were wrong, so I'm lacing them up!

Sitting here, watching the 12-12-12 concert and reflecting on how wonderful people can be when we are forced to confront our vulnerability and embrace our humanity. The performances tonight are a reflection of entertainers giving of their talents to raise awareness and funds for the worthy cause of rebuilding lives that were devastated by Sandy earlier this year.

As I type this, I am extremely proud to reflect on my now 7 years of running marathons. I wouldn't say that running is a "talent" of mine, but the oddity of an erratically trained, not-so-svelte guy committing to these races and raising more than $25,000 over the years for a variety of charities and causes - hunger and homelessness (e.g., Natick Services Council, Pine Street Inn, Greater Boston Food Bank), cancer research (Dana Farber), and the very worthy, Justin Bailey scholarship fund in Natick - makes me smile. I am that guy. The one that runs past a crowd and who might hopefully inspire non-runners and weekend warriors alike to think "...well, if THAT guy can run a marathon, then so can I!"

As I look forward to 'lacing them up" for 2013, I want to thank everyone who has supported me during this wonderful journey.

Oh, and I've got some interesting ideas for "training" this time around, so stay tuned!!

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