Sunday, March 16, 2008

Heading to Shanghai!

So, as if my erratic training hasn't already got me wound-up (I've been embracing the 1-2x per week extreme training runs...18 mile, 14, 13, 17, you get the idea), I'm also about to fly to Shanghai for a week! Nothing says "disrupted training regimen" like a trip half way around the world!. More about China some other time, this blog's about running (well, lately it's been about my utter lack of running)

So over the past few weeks, as I train for Boston, I've run at long distances, followed by long periods of NOT running...don't try this at home!!! I'm quietly starting to freak out about the Marathon and my ability to actually finish this one. What's funny is the reaction I get from real runners about how illogical it is that I can actually run like's my secret...I stop when I'm too tired or in too much pain, and I listen to the aches and pains and, above all, I respect the course...hopefully that will be enough to get me through on April 21st!!

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